Advocating for a better Screen Industry for all

NZCS is the dedicated voice for cinematographers and camera technicians in the policy-making space in Aotearoa New Zealand – this is where the legislation, policies, and funding decisions that impact how we make our living are designed and implemented.

As individuals there is no way for us to help shape this policy but as a united group we can contribute to this process. There is power in numbers and knowledge. United, we're stronger. Informed, we're smarter.

As a result, some of our core business is to advocate as a strategic partner in advocating and building relationships with government, the screen sector and related communities. We do so by:

  • Holding meetings, workshops and professional development courses run by screen practitioners & experts
  • Creating and participate in a range of Screen Industry events 
  • Holding annual Cinematography Awards, celebrating the best work produced during the year to showcase on world stage
  • Providing an accreditation process, to recognise outstanding achievements in the field of cinematography, which allows accredited members to use the letters "NZCS" after their name to acknowledge and celebrate the skill, talent, excellence and achievements of our people that represent Aotearoa, NZ to the world. 
  • Valuing meaningful, reciprocal relationships and collaboration with key industry organisations to opportunities for our members.
  • Participating in SIWA discussions and workshops
  • Serving on the 'Rate Card' project subcommittee, a vital tool towards SIWA minimum contract conditions for Production Technicians.
  • Active members of IMAGO (the International Federation for Cinematographers) which brings cinematographers together to discuss solutions to common challenges, promote the art of cinematography globally, and share experience and knowledge

NZCS is leaning towards making a greater contribution to policy formulation. Without our work, cinematographers' needs and priorities would not be represented, and the policies that resulted would not reflect or enhance our interests. If you want to know what NZCS is doing for YOU today and what we want to do in the future, you can read our recent submission below.

Screen Sector Briefing to Incoming Government
Draft in progress - coming soon!

The New Zealand Screen Production Rebate (NZSPR)

View NZCS submission here.

NZCS Major National Sponsor

NZCS Platinum Sponsors

NZCS Gold Sponsors

NZCS Awards Silver Sponsors

NZCS Awards Bronze Sponsors

NZCS Awards additional in-kind sponsors


NZCS other corporate members

Ariel Camera Limited
CR Kennedy NZ Ltd
Halcyon Digital
Rubber Monkey
Gencom Technology
Boxfish Robotics

Prices include GST
© 2008- 2021 New Zealand Cinematographers Society 

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